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The Group Palazzina Fortuny Corte Barozzi Venice Suites Residence La Fenice Le Vele di Venezia Hotel Canon d'Oro Ca' Dei Dogi Casa Alla Fenice Casa Kirsch Appartamento Veneziano Padova Suites C20
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How to reach us

The Hotel Canon d’Oro is located in the historical centre, in Via XX Settembre, 131 - 31015 Conegliano (TV). The entrance to the hotel is across the main entrance of Palazzo Sarcinelli.

By car

From the A27 (Belluno-Venezia) motorway, take the Conegliano exit, then turn right at the second crossing. Proceed on the SP15 road for 1.5 km, then continue on Via Giacomo Matteotti until the railway underpass. At the roundabout, take the third right, Via Cadore, and drive past the Mail Office (Ufficio Postale). At the end of the street, turn left, take the Ponte della Madonna bridge and keep following the signs towards the city centre. Go straight ahead along Via XI Febbraio for about 300 metres, while keeping to the right. Not long after the traffic lights, turn right on Via Marcatelli e follow the only possible direction. Hotel Canon d’Oro is on the left side of Via XX Settembre, in the historical centre.

The first part of Via XX Settembre is a ZTL (Limited Traffic Zone). To get all the way to Hotel Canon d’Oro by car, you must go through Via Marcatelli. Once you arrive at the hotel, you must provide the reception desk with your plate number, in order to avoid getting a ticket.

By train

If you are arriving to Conegliano by train, the hotel is just a 400-metre walk from the train station, along the street in front of the station (Via Carducci) and up the Scalinata degli Alpini stairs, which end in Via XX Settembre. Turn right and you will find our hotel about 200 metres later, on the left.

By pplane

The closest airports are:

Venice Marco Polo International Airport (VCE) is about 53 km (approximately 40 minutes) away by car
Treviso Antonio Canova International Airport (TSF) is about 42 km (approximately 35 minutes) away by car