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An itinerary everywhere you look

Conegliano, also known as the Pearl of Veneto, is halfway between the Dolomites and the city of Venice, and has always been considered a strategic site for those visiting Veneto. It is known all over Italy as the birthplace of the great painter Gian Battista Cima, for the first Oenology School in Italy (founded in 1876), and for the Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G. made from grapes from its hills, which are a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Discover Prosecco Hills Link, a sustainable journey to discover the landscape, villages, nature and events. 

More details here.

Historical center

Piazza Cima is considered the main piazza of Conegliano. It splits the ancient Contrada Grande neighbourhood, today Via XX Settembre, in two. Surrounded by beautiful historical buildings and by the neoclassical Teatro Accademia, this is the core of important artistic and cultural manifestations. Walking from the Piazza along the elegant porticoes of the old Contrada Granda one reaches the Conegliano Duomo, the town's religious and artistic heart. The construction of the Duomo began in 1345, by the Confraternita dei Battuti. It is famous for its beautiful frescoed façade, which frames the beautiful Sala dei Battuti, decorated with fresco cycles by Francesco da Milano.

The Duomo is home to several works of art, including the famous altarpiece by Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano showing Madonna and child together with angels and saints, placed in the presbytery. There are also other remarkable works in the church: a painting of Saint Francis receiving the stigmata, by Francesco Beccaruzzi, and others by Jacopo Palma il Giovane.

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Venues and shop

The Hotel Canon d’Oro is immersed in the city life of Conegliano. Restaurants, taverns, wine bars and shops create a lively and living atmosphere where people get together to enjoy a cocktail among friends or a romantic dinner. Discover the dishes of the Veneto culinary tradition and the wines of the territory in this cosy, interesting town.

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Castle and itineraries

The Conegliano Castle is the town’s medieval treasure. Perched on the top of Colle di Giano, a strategic position in the past, it was built in the 12th century. You can walk to the Castle from the hotel, taking the slope that runs along the ancient Carrara walls, beginning at Piazza Cima.

From the original castle complex, today only part of the ancient duomo, part of the walls and the well-preserved Torre della Campana (bell tower) are present; the tower now hosts a small Civic Museum containing frescoed walls, sculptures, and an archaeological section with pre-historical and Roman objects.

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Art and culture

Located in the historical centre of Conegliano, Palazzo Sarcinelli is a Renaissance building that hosts important cultural events and art exhibits. It was built in 1518 and works as a culture centre for the city of Conegliano, together with Teatro Accademia. A city stage of neoclassical character that can make you feel involved in the spectacles and feel like you're the protagonists.

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