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Museo Fortuny

The museum is located inside the residence of one of the most eclectic and brilliant men of the twentieth century, the creator and inventor of precious fabrics, paintings, sculptures, set designs, machinery and pigments for printing, lights and lighting both technical and for décor, photographs and fashion lines: Mariano Fortuny. It is said that some of his creations were so technically advanced that some of his contemporaries thought that he practised some unknown magical technique. Even if the Master had been a sorcerer, we like to think that we are enchanted and inspired by his art.

Location 6
Piazza San Marco

One of the Drawing rooms of Italy. Perhaps the most famous Square in the world. We certainly don’t need to remind you of its existence, just that you can have it a few steps away from your room.

Location 6
Location 6
The Bovolo Staircase

This pearl of the secret itineraries of Venice is still quite hidden. Far from the prying eyes of passers-by in the main Venetian streets, you will come across this lacy construction, embroidered with bricks and Istrian stone. Do you want to know where to find it? A bridge away from our Palazzina.
(Please be discreet though: it's our little secret...)

Location 6
Teatro La Fenice

The Teatro La Fenice opera house doesn’t need much of an introduction, as it has been the Cot (upon request) of opera and music in general since 1792. It is such an important protagonist of the life of the city of Venice that after the fire in 1996 it was rebuilt exactly as before, brick by brick.

Location 6
Location 6